

An app that helps cannabis users stay more informed about the products they're consuming. HiCloud pairs you with the right bud!

An app that helps cannabis users stay more informed about the products they're consuming. HiCloud pairs you with the right bud!

Team - Solo
(Thesis Project)

Role - UX Design, UI Design, User Research

Timeline - 7 Months
(SEP. 2021 - APR. 2022) 

Tools - Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop

HiCloud is your trusted guide to the world of cannabis, HiCloud offers in-depth insights into strains, products, and consumption techniques.

Whether you're seeking to expand your horizons or find the ideal match for your needs, HiCloud empowers you to explore new options, understand their effects, and make informed choices. 

HiCloud is your trusted guide to the world of cannabis, HiCloud offers in-depth insights into strains, products, and consumption techniques.

Whether you're seeking to expand your horizons or find the ideal match for your needs, HiCloud empowers you to explore new options, understand their effects, and make informed choices. 

HiCloud is your trusted guide to the world of cannabis, HiCloud offers in-depth insights into strains, products, and consumption techniques.

Whether you're seeking to expand your horizons or find the ideal match for your needs, HiCloud empowers you to explore new options, understand their effects, and make informed choices. 

Your ultimate cannabis companion

Your ultimate cannabis companion


This project aims to enhance users' understanding of the cannabis products they consume. Through an interactive quiz, the application recommends various cannabis strains and products tailored to users' preferences and specific needs. The quiz adapts based on whether the user is new to cannabis or an experienced user. By providing this personalized approach, the application empowers users to make informed decisions, fostering safer and more responsible consumption of cannabis products.

This project aims to enhance users' understanding of the cannabis products they consume. Through an interactive quiz, the application recommends various cannabis strains and products tailored to users' preferences and specific needs. The quiz adapts based on whether the user is new to cannabis or an experienced user. By providing this personalized approach, the application empowers users to make informed decisions, fostering safer and more responsible consumption of cannabis products.


Despite the legalization of cannabis, a significant knowledge gap persists between cannabis products and users. Although more information is now available, not all of it is easily accessible. Many establishments selling cannabis products fall short in providing comprehensive information to cannabis users.

Proposed Solution

Proposed Solution

An application that would help users make a responsible decision regarding their cannabis consumption. Users can purchase products that’s right for them and obtain the knowledge to make more informed decisions and to be able to achieve their goal in using the products making it safer for them to use and preventing them from having a negative experience.

A platform that enables users to seamlessly discover and purchase products tailored to their needs while providing valuable insights to make informed decisions.

The users for this application are any individuals who use cannabis or want to start using cannabis either recreationally or for its effects (sleep, anxiety, appetite etc.).

1. New cannabis users
2. Recreational cannabis users
3. Heavy cannabis users
4. Experienced cannabis users using cannabis for medical purposes

​The user base remained consistent throughout the project. The personas developed encompassed a broad range of backgrounds, from new to experienced cannabis users. My research revealed that most cannabis users fall into one of these categories, validating the personas created.

User Definition

Recreational cannabis user

New cannabis user

Cannabis for medical purposes

Heavy cannabis user

Journey Map

I created a journey map in order to get a better idea on what scenarios the users might face as well as what assumptions and goals they might have from their experience.

Recreational cannabis user

New cannabis user

Cannabis for medical purposes

Heavy cannabis user


Raihan Espinoza

This storyboard follows Raihan on his journey to try new cannabis products. He uses a centralized cannabis website to get all of his information. This website is where LPs and dispensaries can direct cannabis users for information on the products they would be consuming.

Amy Lin

This is a space to share more about the business: who's behind it, what it does and what this site has to offer. It’s an opportunity to tell the story behind the business or describe a special service or product it offers. You can use this section to share the company history or highlight a particular feature that sets it apart from competitors.

Olita Bennett

This storyboard follows Olita on her journey to find a suitable product to de-stress and for anxiety due to her job as a paramedic. She is recommended by one of the budtenders to download an application in order to look up information on the products sold across all dispensaries in Ontario.

Wilhelm Silva

This storyboard follows Wilhem on his journey to learn a bit more about cannabis. He is a skeptical and heavy cannabis user. He thinks all cannabis is the same, but he ventures out on what he thinks he knows and educates himself regarding cannabis with the use of a centralized website regarding cannabis products.

Here are the assumptions I had at the beginning of the project.

About Format

This project would have to be an application where users can easily access it on their mobile devices. I assumed in my last iteration that I need to tackle more than one format to get the information across, but that is not the case.

About Users

The assumptions, I made about the users are that most of them would be willing to learn more about cannabis once they found out more about its terpene profiles and the entourage effect. Some users simply do not care about it and just want to smoke whatever weed is available and whichever ones are cost effective.

About Viability

In my last iteration I believed that it would take more resources to get knowledge across users regarding my subject, but after dialing back down and refining what I want the direction to head into the project became a more viable.


Based on my secondary research. I had assumed that not a lot of people would know what the entourage effect are or what terpene profiles are in cannabis. My assumptions were correct.




The primary focus of the research involves user testing, where I aimed to understand users' needs for the application. Through prototype testing and considering user suggestions, I gathered valuable insights. Iterating on the prototypes based on feedback was crucial in achieving the project goal.

In addition, professional research was conducted in collaboration with a licensed cannabis producer with whom I have established contacts.

Further  investigation was conducted into cannabis, specifically exploring its various terpene profiles. This was undertaken to gain a deeper understanding of the product.

User Questionnaire

I started with some questionnaires to get a sense of what the typical user knows about cannabis.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research

I went through several articles regarding cannabis during my research. A lot of them led me to off topic articles which hindered my research as they weren't relevant to what I was searching for. Most of my secondary research for this iteration came from a website called Leafly where most of their articles have primary user research.

Cannabis legalization year 3— welcome to the Hunger Games 

​Looking for hot new cannabis products? Ask a budtender!

Terpenes or THC? Retailers share the secret to buying the best bud

6 cannabis strains for people who love tropical terpenes

Can your favourite scents help you find your favourite cannabis?

Terpenes in Cannabis

Terpenes in Cannabis & Essential Oils - Therapeutic Effects

Terpenes in Cannabis - Therapeutic Effects


At this point after going into more research into my subject I had discovered that my scope is too wide that I can't to it alone. Pursuing this subject matter would take a lot of time and resources as it was heading into a more medical and heavily regulated subject matter that contains a lot of rules and regulations for me to pursue further. It would not be possible with the time limit and the resources that I have to pursue it.


I thought that I had to tackle this subject matter seriously. It made me run into a large hurdle I can't get over. There were too many rules and regulations that I would need heavy research on and a lot of resources and time which I do not have. With the help of the professor I came into the realization that I could head into a more 'fun' direction with this project as I had already discovered the fact that a lot of cannabis users have very little knowledge of cannabis terpene profiles. Going with that fact I went to a different direction in giving users recommendations on different cannabis products based off of their favourite terpene profiles.



This application underwent numerous changes from its initial proposal. Additional features were incorporated to enhance user navigation and overall experience. As the direction and features evolved, both the communication and development objectives were adjusted accordingly.


The home page remains similar to the initial proposal, with the addition of a "Like" page where users can save their favorite products and strains for easy access and future orders. The dispensary page now includes a map to help users locate nearby dispensaries.

The explore page has been updated to feature strains and products that are popular locally, trending items, and options sorted by THC or CBD content.

Additionally, there is a "Learn" page where users can access educational information about cannabis to become more informed.

Before Testing

Initially, the main focus of the application was to educate users about the terpenes found in cannabis, matching them with products based on desired flavor profiles and effects.

Users can explore different options on an explore page, categorized by the five main cannabis flavors: Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Earthy, and Diesel.

The home page features the top three current matches, along with buttons for the quiz and the explore page.

Additionally, the application displays nearby dispensaries that carry the specific strains or products users are interested in.

After Testing

The application has evolved significantly in both purpose and features. The quiz now asks more specific questions to better match users with strains that suit their needs.

There are now two main quizzes:

  1. Experienced Users Quiz: This quiz guides experienced users through questions about the type of products they are looking for, preferred strains, THC and CBD content, desired effects, and favorite flavors. Users are then matched with a nearby dispensary that carries the specific strain or product they need.

  2. New Users Quiz: This quiz is designed for beginners and takes them through educational pages explaining various cannabis terms and the general effects of cannabis.

The home page remains similar to the initial proposal, with the addition of a "Like" page where users can save their favorite products and strains for easy access and future orders.

App Prototype Feedback

I sent users my application prototype for user testing and gave them a feedback form that had 5 questions asking generally how they find the application. Majority of the users find that the application is very simple to use and straight forward. Majority of the users also suggested some more features for the application like adding cannabis accessories, having the look more ‘weed’ related, product recommendations, an educational page explaining terms used etc.

Previous Prototype

Initially, I created a high-fidelity prototype for user testing and feedback on its functionality. Through the feedback, I realized the application was overly simplified and lacked critical content necessary for users to make informed product decisions. To address this, I added more features to provide users with additional criteria and information.

(Previous Version Prototype Pages)

New Prototype (LO-FI)

I sent users my low-fidelity prototypes for testing and subsequently held a focus group to gather feedback. Many suggestions overlapped with those from the previous test group. A key takeaway from both rounds of testing was that users wanted an educational page explaining cannabis terms and their effects. This addition would help both new and experienced users understand the terminology while browsing the application. Based on this feedback, I added new pages to the low-fidelity prototype, which I believe were essential enhancements.

(New Version Lo-Fi Prototype Pages)

New Prototype (HI-FI)

Based on the user feedback from the lo-fi prototype. I made changes and refined parts. The overall feedback is that the app was straight forward to follow.

(New Version Lo-Fi Prototype Pages)

Link to Prototype:

User Testing

Test 1

For user testing, I distributed my application prototype along with a feedback form containing five questions about their experience with the application.

Most users found the application simple and straightforward to use. However, many also suggested adding features such as cannabis accessories, a more 'weed' related aesthetic, product recommendations, and an educational page explaining cannabis-related terms.

Initially, I had a high-fidelity prototype ready for testing and feedback. The feedback revealed that the application was overly simplified and lacked critical content necessary for informed decision-making. In response, I added more features to provide users with additional criteria and information.

Test 2

I enhanced my prototype and sent out low-fidelity versions for user testing, followed by a focus group to gather feedback. Many of their suggestions overlapped with those from the previous test group.

A major takeaway from both rounds of testing was the users' desire for an educational page that explains cannabis terms and their effects. This would help both new and experienced users understand the terminology while browsing the application. Based on this feedback, I added new pages to the low-fidelity prototype, which I believe were necessary enhancements.

Test 3

I sent my prototype out for another round of testing. Users generally found the application easy to follow and straightforward. They appreciated the relaxing color scheme and praised the quiz feature, particularly the different options for new and experienced users, as well as the educational content about cannabis.

However, users expressed a desire for a more interactive map and noted that some buttons were not yet functional in the latest prototype.


Colour Palette

Logo & Colours


Initial Colours vs. Current

Initial Colours vs. Current

After receiving feedback, I found that users generally liked the retro color scheme, appreciating its uniqueness. However, some suggested that it should be more "weed" related. In response, I adjusted the color scheme, aiming for a minimalistic look with vibrant accents, and prepared to see how users would react to this change.

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

The next steps involve refining my high-fidelity prototype to create a more immersive and user-centric experience. I plan to make the quizzes more engaging with enhanced graphics and storytelling, reducing the wordiness. The current design feels too crammed, so I will focus on improving ease of use and capturing user attention. After additional testing, I will finalize the development to deliver a polished product.

© Kim Ocampo. 2024